Wire Transfer

Call Us for Prompt Assistance: 615-447-8812

Efficiently send a wire transfer by logging in to your online banking profile or, if you prefer personalized assistance, visit your bank branch for face-to-face customer service. We will provide you with an invoice number and email the wire transfer details. Wire transfers are the most reliable method for making payments, especially for larger purchases. If you're sending a domestic wire transfer to Music City Timepieces before 3pm CST, your payment will be processed on the same day. Remember to double-check all your information before submitting any wire transfers. Once we securely and promptly process your payment, your order will be shipped. At Music City Timepieces, we are honored to have the opportunity to do business with you. Please don't hesitate to contact us if you need further information or support.

What if I need help paying by wire transfer?

What is a wire transfer?

How do wire transfers work?

What information do I need to send a wire transfer?

How long does a wire transfer take?

Are wire transfers safe?

What are the fees for wire transfers?

Can I send a wire transfer online?

Can I use ACH transfers for payment instead of Wire Transfer?